File Selector ------------- When you pick Open or Save from the File menu, the File Selector is displayed. This allows you to view, the contents of directories, and pick an existing file or type in a new name. The File Selector dialog box looks something like this: +-----------------------------------------------+ | Read File ... 1234 Meg Free | | +-----------------+ | | | C:\IMAGES | OK Cancel Help | | +-------------+---+ ________.___ | | |# .. |_^_| | | |# dir1 | | A: B: C: | | |# dir2 | # | D: E: F: | | | file1.bmp |_ _| .BMP .GIF .JPG .PCX | | | file2.jpg | v | .PNG .TGA .TIF .* | | +-------------+---+ | +-----------------------------------------------+ On the left side we have: - A message, usually indicating read or write. - Path of current directory. - A list of subdirectories (with a blob to the left) and files. - Next to the file list, is a slider and two arrows for scrolling. On the right side we have: - Amount of disk space available. - OK, Cancel, and Help buttons to exit from dialog box. - Space to type in a new file name. - Buttons to select the first 6 drives. - Buttons to select the types of files displayed. To select a file for read: - Pick the desired disk drive by clicking on one of the buttons labeled "A:" through "F:". Alternatively you can type a letter while holding down the Alt key. For drives G and up, the keyboard must be used. - Next, activate the desired set of file types for the listing. The default is for BMP, JPG, PCX, PNG, TGA, and TIF files to be listed. Use the ".*" button to see everything in the directory. - Next, go to the desired directory by clicking on a directory in the scrolling list. Clicking on an arrow will scroll up or down by one file. Clicking above or below the slider will scroll up or down by 9 files. Alternatively, you can drag the slider to the desired position quickly. - Select the desired file by clicking it twice or clicking it then clicking on the OK button. To specify a file name for write: - Select - You can pick an existing file to replace it or type in a new name. Type the file name the way you normally would. For example, to enter the name "ABC.TIF" type A B C . T I F Don't enter spaces after the ABC. - Press Enter or click on the OK button. Initial Directory: Many people keep their favorite images in a separate directory with a name something like C:\IMAGES. If you would like the File Selector to go to this directory automatically, add a line resembling this to the PKTV.CFG file: INIT_DIR C:\IMAGES Read CONFIG.TXT for more information about the configuration file. Keyboard operation: You can use the following keys instead of the mouse: Home - Go to first item in this directory. Usually this will be ".." which means go up one directory level. End - Go to last item in this directory. Page Up - Scroll up 9 files. Same as clicking region above slider. Page Down - Scroll down 9 files. Same as clicking region below slider. Up Arrow - Scroll up one file. Same as clicking arrow above slider. Down Arrow - Scroll down one file. Same as clicking arrow below slider. Enter - Same as OK button. (Note that it a rectangle around the text, indicating that it is the default button.) Select the currently highlighted file or directory. Esc - Cancel. Printable characters - Enter a new file name. Use a period (.) before the file extension rather than inserting spaces. Alt-A ... Alt-Z - Select different disk drive. Note that there are buttons only for drives A through F so you must use the keyboard for later letters. Alt-1 ... Alt-8 - Toggle the file type selectors.